MYANMAR – Yangon (2017)

VIETNAM – Hué (1999), Ho Chi Minh City (2016)


VIETNAM – La Boulangerie Française, Thu Duc College of Technology (TDC)

After six months, I know that I made the right decision! The school is very professional, very demanding and I learn many things, including how to behave. I have changed and I know that with this training I am preparing a good future for myself: I will earn a good salary that will allow me to save money and build a house for my family. My dearest dream is to become the manager of a 5-star hotel in the center of Ho Chi Minh City: I would be so proud!

KIM TUYEN, 19 years

Student at the Bread-Pastry Making School in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

The French bread-pastry making schools in Myanmar and Vietnam

The Bread-Pastry Making School in Hué was created in 1999 in order to provide young orphan boys or young boys from very modest backgrounds with a career in a country with a strong tradition of bread. Every four months, the school welcomes two new young people for a 20-month training course, which includes a three-month internship at the end of the course. The apprenticeship-based training allows these young people to develop practical skills in the production laboratory. The products made are then sold at a tearoom in the center of Hué. Thus, the school constitutes a genuine social enterprise which is able to cover 95% of its operating costs! The IECD supports the team in certain specific areas, in particular the structuring of the training and the monitoring of students, as well as the evaluation and certification of skills, all subjects that were not really properly formalized. Furthermore, it supports the school in the construction of new buildings that, ultimately, will enable the reception of twice as many young people, in particular young women.

Based on the same model as the one in Hue, new bread-pastry making schools were opened in Ho Chi Minh City in 2016 and Yangon in 2017.

The results en 2023 :