The pedagogical logbook : a tool for the creation for the creation and follow-up of training projects

The pedagogical logbook was created in 2021 by the IECD’s “Training and Integration” expertise team for the use of project managers and pedagogical experts. The objectives of this document are to:

· Centralize the methodologies and tools for training engineering related to a competency-based approach,

· To provide the necessary resources to build training paths,

· To review existing training projects and a follow up of the actions to be carried out,

· Serve as a liaison document between project teams and pedagogical expertise.

Please note: the QR codes in the logbook link to toolboxes that are only accessible to IECD teams. If you wish to consult these contents, please send your request to

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Educational focuses and orientations carried by the IECD for all educational staff.
This guide, written by the Education Unit of the IECD, is titled “12 seeds to help the men and women of the future grow”. The IECD aims to contribute to the world of tomorrow by providing an educational framework enabling young people to become responsible actors both rooted in their culture and open to the world.

The PATHS for the future: a tool to better understand life skills training

 This guide, written in 2025 by the IECD’s ‘Education, Training and Integration’ (EFI) team of experts, is a tool made available to educational trainers and aims to help young people and entrepreneurs develop their life skills in order to become fulfilled professionals and committed citizens, playing an active role in transforming their community into a just, sustainable and hopeful society.

Download the document (in English)

The pedagogical logbook : a tool for the creation for the creation and follow-up of training projects

The pedagogical logbook was created in 2021 by the IECD’s “Training and Integration” expertise team for the use of project managers and pedagogical experts. The objectives of this document are to:

· Centralize the methodologies and tools for training engineering related to a competency-based approach,

· To provide the necessary resources to build training paths,

· To review existing training projects and a follow up of the actions to be carried out,

· Serve as a liaison document between project teams and pedagogical expertise.

Please note: the QR codes in the logbook link to toolboxes that are only accessible to IECD teams. If you wish to consult these contents, please send your request to

Download the document (in English)

Educational focuses and orientations carried by the IECD for all educational staff.
This guide, written by the Education Unit of the IECD, is titled “12 seeds to help the men and women of the future grow”. The IECD aims to contribute to the world of tomorrow by providing an educational framework enabling young people to become responsible actors both rooted in their culture and open to the world.

Labor Market (english version)


À partir de l’expérience de l’IECD au Liban, ce guide décrit la façon dont une analyse de bassin d’emploi peut être menée. Destiné à être utilisé par les acteurs de la formation professionnelle, associatifs, institutionnels ou de l’entrepreneuriat local,il met à disposition un ensemble d’outils pratiques permettant la conduite d’analyses de bassin d’emploi.

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Guidance & Employment Manual (english version)

IECD, association libanaise Semeurs d’Avenir
Avec le soutien de la fondation Drosos
75 pages, broché, en couleur
Septembre 2016

Ce manuel regroupe l’ensemble des activités d’orientation et d’accompagnement à l’emploi qui ont été testées et mises en œuvre par les équipes de l’IECD dans ses différents pays d’intervention. Son objectif est de mettre à la disposition des écoles et des associations partenaires un ensemble d’outils pratiques permettant de les accompagner dans la mise en place de services d’orientation professionnelle des jeunes. Cette orientation a lieu avant le début de la formation, pendant la formation et après l’obtention du diplôme/du certificat.

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Survey on the professional integration of the graduates of electrical section from Don Bosco Institutes (english version)


Cette étude, réalisée sur la promotion 2014/2015, et conduite auprès des Instituts Don Bosco au Caire et à Alexandrie, partenaires de l’IECD, conclut à une insertion de 96% des diplômés. Certains trouvent un emploi à l’issue de la formation et d’autres poursuivent leurs études à la sortie de la formation.

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