In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, the IECD is updating its intervention methods so as to maintain its activities
– PARIS, France, 22 April 2020 –
Humankind is in the throes of an unexpected and unprecedented global upheaval. Although initially a health crisis, the situation is being worsened by the social, economic and financial consequences of it. In China at the end of December, it quickly spread through Southeast Asia and now affects all areas where the IECD works. Borders have gradually closed and States have taken the measures needed to protect their population. For many communities, families, people, this crisis comes on top of already very difficult contexts: war and economic crisis in Syria, political, economic and financial crises in Lebanon, tension and uncertainty in Cameroon, persistent extreme poverty in Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, etc.
In the current situation, our first thought is for each person involved in the IECD’s programs, how we can help them to work in peace of mind and in the best possible conditions during these difficult times: that health, work, morale, and enthusiasm are preserved!
A beneficiary of the Transform program in Cameroon
The impact on our activity is considerable: 100% of our activities and our partners are affected. 100% of the schools and educational establishments in all the countries where we work have closed.
The teams have organized themselves to ensure as much contact as possible with the projects’ beneficiaries and they have adapted activities to the situation: modification of digital technology training content which, in some countries, has led us to being involved in the creation of remote training platforms; continued support for teachers in the development of training courses; remote support for entrepreneurs to help them adapt their business to the crisis; and, above all, preparation of the post-crisis when new solutions will be needed to help young people face a very different context.
Students of the Hamawi educative center in Palestinian territories
In the upheaval that is affecting each one of us, we are grateful to all the partners who lend us their support despite the difficulties they too are facing. It is together and united that we will be able to overcome the crisis and continue to progress!
Our Semeurs d’Avenir mission is, more than ever, at the heart of this world’s challenges. We believe sincerely that we will overcome this ordeal and come out stronger. So be brave, be patient and continue to believe! There are good reasons to have hope!