Le pouvoir d’agir des jeunes est l’un des axes forts des actions déployées par l’IECD.

The Réseau Méditerranée Nouvelle Chance organised the second edition of its MedExchange, an exchange of 35 young people and 7 trainers dedicated to intercultural dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean, developing life skills among young people and raising awareness of environmental protection, while promoting careers linked to the ecological transition.

The MedNC network’s annual conference provided an opportunity for network members and partners to meet and discuss key topics in youth inclusion.

Entitled ” Using digital technologies to better support young people experiencing integration difficulties in the Mediterranean”, this good practices guide offers integration and vocational training professionals tips and ways to deepen or develop their uses of digital tools in their accompaniment activities.

Result of a pioneering collaboration between the MedNC network and the web media “Les Haut-Parleurs”, this documentary series gives eight young people the chance to raise their voice. The four girls and four boys, from four Mediterranean countries, have all dropped out of the school system for a time but have recently been reintegrated through an occupational inclusion scheme.

Launch today, on Wednesday, April 15th, of a call for proposals to support youth in the Western Mediterranean.

From 25 to 27 November, the 2019 Conference of the New Chance Mediterranean Network (MedNC) was held in Barcelona: it was the opportunity for 70 professionals from 13 countries that work to favor the integration of young people in difficulty to transfer their good practices and deploy new projects leading to cooperation between both shores of the Mediterranean.

Astrid Desjobert, the head of the New Chance Mediterranean network and the IECD’s representative in the PACA region was interviewed by Eric Bataillon on RFI in the Orient Hebdo program broadcast on Sunday 22 September 2019.


Following the preparatory forum for the “Summit of the Two Shores” held in Malta on 24 and 25 April…

Les membres du réseau se sont retrouvés à Tunis mardi 10 et mercredi 11 juillet à l’occasion du 9e Comité d’orientation du réseau. Invité pour l’occasion, le ministre des Affaires sociales de Tunisie a affirmé son soutien illimité au réseau MedNC.