Léonce is a former student at the Njombé agricultural training center in Cameroon. This training allowed him to start his own professional activity…
Rémy, the former Head of Agricultural Research and Development with Bonduelle is now a volunteer for the APONH project…
Tiam is 22 years old. He is the uncle of Bechael, a 21-month boy who has been diagnosed with sickle-cell disease. He tells us how the disease has intruded in the family’s daily life…
Thanks to the support of the Compagnie Fruitière, the TRANSFORM Project has been made possible in Cameroon and in Ivory Coast.
In a country where young people from the age of 15 to 34 makes up over a third of the population, and that third is three times more likely to be in the grip of unemployment, the creation of businesses seems to be one of the only solutions available.