South East Asia

The bakery schools La Boulangerie Française in Vietnam and Myanmar are part of a vocational training project by the European Institute for Cooperation and Development (IECD), that offers young women and men from underprivileged backgrounds training opportunities to become professional bakers. Among various career choices in renowned hotels, resorts, bake shops and restaurants, some of the alumni chose to come-back to the La Boulangerie Française as trainers after their graduation to transfer their skills to the next generation of students.

Seventeen students celebrated their graduation from La Boulangerie Francaise Ho Chi Minh City. Every year, the bakery school supported by the European Institute of Cooperation and Development (IECD) provides 20 young people from vulnerable backgrounds with technical and soft skills to be competent bakers and pastry chefs. Despite the challenging economic context due to the Covid-19, 85% of graduates have secured employment.

Between June and October 2020, classrooms were filled to the brim again for the start of the new school year in the IECD’s countries of intervention despite the COVID-19 health crisis. Faced with a context that remains very uncertain and degraded teaching methods, the IECD’s teams are pursuing their mission alongside the young people and their teachers. 

In 2020, Monin reaffirms its commitment alongside the IECD by signing a partnership agreement.

Trần Thành is 17 years old and is student in Residential & Industrial Electricity at Ho Chi Minh City’s Technical & Economical College.

Les écoles de La Boulangerie française au Vietnam redonnent de l’espoir aux jeunes issus de milieux défavorisés…


Thanks to the IECD’s basic management training course, Mrs. Bay is saving her business!

Philippe Bès is the Project Director of the SALA BAİ hospitality-catering school in Cambodia. He took part in the first ASSET-H&C annual seminar and offers us his impressions.

The Bread-Pastry Making School in Hô Chi Minh City will enable young vulnerable people to get a decent and sostainable employment.