Supported for small urban enterprises program, Salimata manages a small business selling fresh eggs in the municipality of Yopougon in Ivory Coast…
The IECD news
Denis Elolo was the first IECD training instructor hired for the support for small enterprises program in Congo in 2014. On Sunday March 11, 2018, the plane took off for the very last time.
Les membres du réseau se sont retrouvés à Tunis mardi 10 et mercredi 11 juillet à l’occasion du 9e Comité d’orientation du réseau. Invité pour l’occasion, le ministre des Affaires sociales de Tunisie a affirmé son soutien illimité au réseau MedNC.
The Bread-Pastry Making School in Hô Chi Minh City will enable young vulnerable people to get a decent and sostainable employment.
A new agreement between the IECD and the “Jerusalem Hills” Cooperative will boost the economy in the region.
The new sports field of the Al Hamawi Education Center is a major issue for Bethany’s young people.
AHMAD, 23 years old, died by a bullet in Damascus on February 2018. Ahmad Fares was one of BRIDGES program beneficiaries.
Lili Maryse, Hadeel, Alexandra and Marie-José provide an account of their commitment to the cause of women as well as their own experience as women.
An encounter that leaves no-one indiferrent! Two teachers from the Académie de Paris travelled to the vocational school in Duékué, in Ivory Coast.
La drépa… quoi ? La drépanocytose !
Un court film pédagogique pour tout public.