The IECD news

Miss Janaïna Herrera, the French General Consul in Alexandria, welcomed the IECD and local stakeholders of the “Seeds of Hope” project, which allowed 526 students (including 321 girls) from two technical schools to follow high quality training in electrical maintenance.

The contest organized by the Louis Dreyfus Foundation in partnership with the IECD allows 4 entrepreneurs from the Ivorian agri-food sector to receive a total of 24 million CFA francs (€37,000) in aid designed to develop their business.

Trần Thành is 17 years old and is student in Residential & Industrial Electricity at Ho Chi Minh City’s Technical & Economical College.

Astrid Desjobert, the head of the New Chance Mediterranean network and the IECD’s representative in the PACA region was interviewed by Eric Bataillon on RFI in the Orient Hebdo program broadcast on Sunday 22 September 2019.

Marie-Louise, jeune étudiante malgache bénéficiaire du programme CERES depuis son entrée au collège, nous livre un témoignage émouvant sur la façon dont le programme a changé sa vie et celle de sa famille.

On the occasion of the 12th global forum Convergences, held on 5 and 6 September at the Palais Brongniart in Paris, the IECD hosted a workshop organized jointly with the NGOs Apprentis d’Auteuil, Acting for life, ESSOR, GRET and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, on the challenges of the professional integration of young people in Southern countries.

Les écoles de La Boulangerie française au Vietnam redonnent de l’espoir aux jeunes issus de milieux défavorisés…


Following the preparatory forum for the “Summit of the Two Shores” held in Malta on 24 and 25 April…

On 17 April, at the Grand Salon of the Sorbonne, the IECD and the Académie de Paris came together to promote the concrete training and professional integration actions implemented in the field…