Education sector (IECD)


Le pouvoir d’agir des jeunes est l’un des axes forts des actions déployées par l’IECD.

Each year, the SESAME program organizes a special event for students: the challenge week. It aims to encourage the students to put the teachings they have received during the first part of their preparatory year into practice. This year, they worked in groups to find solutions to major global issues, such as climate change and the Covid 19 crisis.

This summer, the Janah socio-educational center organizes 105 musical initiation sessions in collaboration with the Al Kamandjâti music association. The students of all EB1 to EB6 classes can now participate in the 60-minutes musical initiation workshop during their recreation time. The sessions wish to offer the children a fun musical education while supporting their psychological development.

Jeunes collégien du CERES à Madagascar

Between June and October 2020, classrooms were filled to the brim again for the start of the new school year in the IECD’s countries of intervention despite the COVID-19 health crisis. Faced with a context that remains very uncertain and degraded teaching methods, the IECD’s teams are pursuing their mission alongside the young people and their teachers. 

Marie-Louise, jeune étudiante malgache bénéficiaire du programme CERES depuis son entrée au collège, nous livre un témoignage émouvant sur la façon dont le programme a changé sa vie et celle de sa famille.

Wishing to start work as soon as possible in order to help her parents, Soarazy decided to spend a year following a course as an accommodation assistant at “La Rizière” hospitality school…

Les membres du réseau se sont retrouvés à Tunis mardi 10 et mercredi 11 juillet à l’occasion du 9e Comité d’orientation du réseau. Invité pour l’occasion, le ministre des Affaires sociales de Tunisie a affirmé son soutien illimité au réseau MedNC.

The new sports field of the Al Hamawi Education Center is a major issue for Bethany’s young people.

Le nouveau campus SESAME permet d’accueillir 120 jeunes par an afin de les accompagner depuis le baccalauréat jusqu’au Master 2…