Entries by Florence Dominique

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Launching of “Maharat Li Loubnan 2” project, sustained support towards vulnerable populations in Lebanon

Over 3 years, the IECD, AFD, and Semeurs d’Avenir, will empower over 1,165 disadvantaged people through short and long training courses and 550 entrepreneurs by providing multidimensional support. The “Maharat Li Loubnan 2” (Skills for Lebanon 2) project aims to extend the positive impacts of the previous project implemented since 2017 by addressing the multiple crises that Lebanon is currently experiencing.

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Vietnam: Celebrating youth growth into professional bakers

Seventeen students celebrated their graduation from La Boulangerie Francaise Ho Chi Minh City. Every year, the bakery school supported by the European Institute of Cooperation and Development (IECD) provides 20 young people from vulnerable backgrounds with technical and soft skills to be competent bakers and pastry chefs. Despite the challenging economic context due to the Covid-19, 85% of graduates have secured employment.

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Discover the “New Chance” series

Result of a pioneering collaboration between the MedNC network and the web media “Les Haut-Parleurs”, this documentary series gives eight young people the chance to raise their voice. The four girls and four boys, from four Mediterranean countries, have all dropped out of the school system for a time but have recently been reintegrated through an occupational inclusion scheme.