Access to employment
Youth employment is the desired result of most of the IECD’s projects. Efforts should focus on all the factors that influence the employability of young people and not only the mismatch between training courses and companies’ needs. Many studies show a weakness in the relationship between companies and young graduates, a lack of knowledge about careers and the vocational training that is available, as well as a lack of preparation among young people for the recruitment process, all of which represent obstacles to them being hired.
In order to remedy these failures, since 2012, the IECD has deployed the Guidance Employment Training (GET) project, which entered its second phase in 2016 (EGET), in partnership with the Drosos Foundation. It involves the setting up of a network of Career Guidance Offices (BOE) throughout Lebanon among the ″Seeds of Hope″ program’s partner technical schools. The publication of a manual for schools in 2016 will facilitate the creation of offices, the organization of employment forums and the setting up of job search workshops. In 2016, the network offered personalized support to more than 3,000 young people. This methodology, open to all technical sectors, will be deployed in all the countries where the IECD develops vocational training.
Furthermore, in continuity of the educational action for disabled children in Lebanon, the IECD is developing a professional integration program for the oldest students based on two lines of action:
- The adaptation of certain training syllabuses.
- The opening of production workshops in 2016.